Foster Care / Remembrance day Sunday Mark 10:1-16 - Marriage and family
this Sunday is Reformation Sunday Ephesians 1:15-23 - I believe in the holy catholic church
this Sunday Mark 10:32-52 - Calibrated with the Kingdom
a Feast of Grace Matthew 22:1-14 (Revelation 19:7-9, John 2:1-11)
Mark 9:14-32- Glory in the Valley
Psalm 101 - “Setting your sight”
Mark 7:1-23 - Truly Clean
The Heart, its Jesus
Sunday, May 26th
Real Strength
Jesus' People
Fasting and Feasting - religion vs the gospel
How does Jesus exercise His authority and what does that tell us about Him?
Did the disciples know what they were getting into?
Mark 1:9 -15 - Prepared for the Kingdom
Ready to Follow Jesus
Dec 30th. When can I have Christmas?
What makes Christmas great
How Christmas happened.
Why Christmas was needed
Where Christmas began
Bryan Hummel will be preaching on Luke 24:36-49- Following Jesus- Does it make a difference?
This Sunday we will be looking Galatians 3:26-4:7- The Gospel of Adoption
What is the most Important thing that King David wants you to know?
This Sunday Bryan Hummel will preach on 1 Peter 2:18-25 - a Job Well Done
This Sunday at 10am: How can I stay focused when I am wearied? What are the priorities that I need to maintain when fatigue threatens to derail my life?
Please check back mid-week to see the upcoming sermon for this Sunday.
This Sunday at 10AM- David has returned to his throne but all is not well in Israel. How do we account for such instability in our lives if Jesus is our King? And can it be fixed?
Sept 9 A Tragic Triumph
Hillside Reformed Presbyterian Church
273 Almonte Street
Almonte, Ontario, Canada
Pastor Matthew Dyck: (613) 791-4811
General inquiries: (613) 256-2816